The Official Publication of the American Boccaccio Association
ISSN: 1542-3352
Rivista di fascia A dell'ANVUR dal 2016 (area 10)





"Heliotropia at Twenty" (p. i) [pdf]


Valerio Cellai. "Una rilettura cinquecentesca della novella di Tancredi e Gismonda (Decameron 4.1): il Tancredi principe. Tragedia composta dal conte di Camerano" (pp. 1-17) [pdf]

Alexander L. Brock. "When Il Grasso Becomes Calandrino: La Novella del Grasso Legnaiuolo and the Productive Failure of Literary Imitation" (pp. 19-39) [pdf]

Mario Gaglione. "Giovanni, Niccolò e Andrea: Boccaccio e gli Acciaiuoli a Napoli" (pp. 41-99) [pdf]

Stylianos Hourmouziadis. "Per la storia delle traduzioni del Decameron in greco: Una prima analisi dell'edizione di N. Galatis del 1954" (pp. 101-25) [pdf]


"Boccaccio letterato, umanista e narratore." Intervista di Elisabetta Menetti a Lucia Battaglia Ricci (pp. 127-55) [pdf]

"Boccaccio e Petrarca tra Medioevo e Umanesimo." Ilaria Tufano intervista Renzo Bragantini (pp. 157-65) [pdf]


Aresu, Francesco Marco. Manuscript Poetics: Materiality and Textuality in Medieval Italian Literature. Rev. by Ylenia Papa. (167-70) [pdf]

Barański, Zygmunt G. Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio: Literature, Doctrine, Reality. Rev. by Martina Franzini. (171-75) [pdf]

Bragantini, Renzo. Il Decameron e il Medioevo rivoluzionario di Boccaccio. Rev. by Alessandro Ceteroni. (177-79) [pdf]

Caferro, William. Petrarch's War: Florence and the Black Death in Context. Rev. by Caterina Agostini. (181-83) [pdf]

Fatigati, Antonio. Boccaccio teologo: Per una rilettura del Decameron. Rev. by Lelio Camassa. (185-89) [pdf]

Ferrara, Sabrina, ed. Échanges épistolaires autour de Pétrarque et Boccace. Rev. by Edoardo Angrilli. (191-96) [pdf]

Filosa, Elsa. Boccaccio's Florence: Politics and People in His Life and Work. Rev. by Kristina Olson. (197-200) [pdf]

Fiorentini, Luca. Petrarch and Boccaccio in the First Commentaries on Dante's Commedia: A Literary Canon Before its Official Birth. Rev. by Richard Bonanno. (201-03) [pdf]

Grimaldi Pizzorno, Patrizia. Dopo la peste. Desiderio e ragione nella Decima Giornata del Decameron. Rev. by Armando Bisanti. (205-07) [pdf]

Holmes, Olivia. Boccaccio and Exemplary Literature: Ethics and Mischief in the Decameron. Rev. by Mario Sassi: (209-11) [pdf]

Maggiore, Marco. Scripto sopra Theseu Re. Il commento salentino al Teseida di Boccaccio (Ugento/Nardò, ante 1487). Rev. by Alessia Tommasi. (213-19) [pdf]

Marchesi, Simone and Susanna Barsella, eds. The Decameron Ninth Day in Perspective. Rev. by Armando Bisanti. (221-24) [pdf]

Robin, Anne. À la recherche de l'équilibre. De la maladie à la santé: l'histoire de la lieta brigata du Décaméron. Rev. by Maria Pia Ellero. (225-30) [pdf]

Sherberg, Michael, ed. The Decameron Fourth Day in Perspective. Rev. by Daniela D'Eugenio. (231-33) [pdf]


American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2022-23. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz and Elsa Filosa (pp. 235-43) [pdf]



Armando Bisanti. "Gli inni a Venere di Troiolo (Filostr. 3.74-89) e di Panfilo (Pamph. 1-70)" (pp. 1-24) [pdf]

Aaron Beck. "Donneschi suoni: Women and Music in Boccaccio's Comedia delle ninfe fiorentine (1341-42)" (pp. 25-37) [pdf]

Roberta Morosini. "'Come pintor che con essempro finga.' Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio's Giotto on fingere and pingere. Toward a Hermeneutics of Vision" (pp. 39-94) [pdf]

Riccardo Samà. "Mute Lips Cannot Tell: Alatiel and Philomela" (pp. 95-119) [pdf]

Nora Siena. "The Invisibility of Rape in Boccaccio's Decameron" (pp. 121-44) [pdf]

Johnny Bertolio. "La 'camiscia' di Griselda (Dec. 10.10) da Boccaccio a J. K. Rowling" (pp. 145-61) [pdf]

Megan Tomlinson. "Travel as 'Transgression': The Mobility of Women in Giovanni Boccaccio's De mulieribus claris and Decameron" (pp. 163-89) [pdf]

Alison Lovell. "'O mulieris astutia!' Noetic Women in Boccaccio's De mulieribus claris" (pp. 191-222) [pdf]

Adriana Baggio. "Italian Reception, Tradition and Translation of Giovanni Boccaccio's De mulieribus claris" (pp. 223-46) [pdf]

Max Matukhin. "A Tale of Two Confessions: The Roman de Renart and the Corbaccio" (pp. 247-66) [pdf]


American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2020-21. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz and Elsa Filosa (pp. 267-79) [pdf]


Andreini, Alessandro, Susanna Barsella, Elsa Filosa, Jason Houston and Sergio Tognetti, eds. Niccolò Acciaiuoli, Boccaccio e la Certosa del Galluzzo. Rev. by Brian Jeffrey Maxson (pp. 281-86) [pdf]

Blanco Valdés, Carmen F. Vida de Dante Alighieri. Tratado en honor de Dante Alighieri florentino, poeta ilustre. Rev. by Linda Garosi (pp. 287-89) [pdf]

Boillet, Danielle. Tancrède en scène. De la nouvelle de Boccace aux tragédies italiennes des XVe–XVIIe siècles. Rev. by Matteo Bosisio (pp. 291-93) [pdf]

Morabito, Raffaele. Le virtù di Griselda. Storia di una storia. Rev. by Alessia Tommasi (pp. 295-300) [pdf]



Armando Bisanti. "Giovanni Boccaccio fra il Geta e l'Alda" (pp. 1-53) [pdf]

Maria Pia Ellero. "Libri pittori e libri parlanti. Lettura e immaginazione nelle allocuzioni all'opera di Boccaccio: dal Filocolo all'Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta" (pp. 55-81) [pdf]

Timothy Kircher. "Boccaccio and the Appearance of Reality (Decameron 8.3/9.3)" (pp. 83-105) [pdf]

Gaia Fiorinelli. "A proposito di alcune postille boccacciane nell'Ambrosiano A 204 inf." (107-68) [pdf]

Tommaso De Robertis. "A New Source for Boccaccio's Concept of Fortune. The Pseudo-Aristotelian Liber de bona fortuna" (pp. 169-87) [pdf]

Beatrice Arduini. "Messer Torello's Magic Carpet Ride as Synecdoche for Decameron 10.9" (pp. 189-204) [pdf]

Simona Lorenzini. "Between Petrarch and Boccaccio: the Rewriting of Griselda's Tale (Dec. 10.10). A Rhetorical Debate on Latin and Vernacular Languages" (pp. 205-27) [pdf]

Rosa Borgonovi. "Un Decameron cinquecentesco: l'identità culturale delle edizioni di Lionardo Salviati" (pp. 229-41) [pdf]


Michael Buckland. "Franklin Samuel Stych. Notes. July 15, 2018" (pp. 243-44) [pdf]

Franklin Samuel Stych. "'Nor heed the rumble of a distant Drum'; the Absence of War in the Decameron" (pp. 245-49) [pdf]

Francesco Galassi et al. "Alcune riflessioni paleotossicologiche su un presunto caso di intossicazione da solanina nel Novellino" (pp. 251-57) [pdf]


American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2018-19. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz and Elsa Filosa (pp. 259-73) [pdf]


Biggs, Frederick M. Chaucer's Decameron and the Origin of the Canterbury Tales. Rev. by Grace Delmolino (pp. 275-79) [pdf]

Bolpagni, Marcello. La geografia del Decameron. Rev. by Alessandro Ceteroni (pp. 281-83) [pdf]

Bolpagni, Marcello. La geografia del Decameron. Rev. by Giorgio Losi (pp. 285-88) [pdf]

Candido, Igor, ed. Petrarch and Boccaccio. The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-modern World. Rev. by Alberto Gelmi (pp. 289-92) [pdf]

Holmes, Olivia and Dana E. Stewart, eds. Reconsidering Boccaccio. Medieval Contexts and Global Intertexts. Rev. by Alessandro Ceteroni (pp. 293-95) [pdf]

Migiel, Marilyn. The Ethical Dimension of the Decameron. Rev. by Kristina Olson (pp. 297-300) [pdf]


Boccaccio and His World

Proceedings of the Third Triennial Meeting of the
American Boccaccio Association. Duke University,
September-October 2016.
Edited by Valerio Cappozzo, Martin Eisner and Timothy Kircher.


Introduction by Timothy Kircher (pp. 1-3) [pdf]

Literary Contexts 

Corrado Bologna. "Boccaccio e l'invenzione del cànone dei Classici moderni" (pp. 5-38) [pdf]

Roberto Risso. "Essa scrisse una lettera…" Scrittura di lettere e narrativa epistolare in Boccaccio dalla Fiammetta al Corbaccio" (pp. 39-55) [pdf]

Irene Cappelletti. "La brigata in Purgatorio. Qualche ipotesi sulla struttura del Decameron" (pp. 57-92) [pdf]

Alberto Gelmi. "Filostrato: an Unintentional Comedy?" (93-109) [pdf]

Historical Contexts 

William Caferro. "The Visconti War and Boccaccio's Florentine Public Service in Context, 1351-53" (pp. 111-31) [pdf]

Elsa Filosa. "Messer Pino di messer Giovanni de' Rossi" (pp. 133-59) [pdf]

Federico Canaccini. "Giovanni Regina: A Theologian at the Court of King Robert in Naples During Boccaccio's Time" (pp. 161-72) [pdf]

Julianna Van Visco. "Beyond Mimesis: Boccaccio's Engagement with Wool Production in the Decameron" (pp. 173-87) [pdf]

Christina McGrath. "Manipulated, Misrepresented and Maligned: The Censorship and Rassettatura of the Decameron" (pp. 189-203) [pdf]

Boccaccio and the Roles of Women 

Janet Smarr. "Women Rewrite Griselda: From Christine de Pizan to Julia Voznesenskaya" (pp. 205-29) [pdf]

Gur Zak. "Between Ghismonda and Massinissa: Boccaccio, Petrarch and the Uses of Tragedy" (pp. 233-51) [pdf]

Marilyn Migiel. "Tests and Traps in Boccaccio's De casibus virorum illustrium" (pp. 253-66) [pdf]


Francesco M. Galassi, Elena Varotto, Giovanni Spani, Fabrizio Toscano, Emanuele Armocida and Michael Papio. "Boccaccio e la paleopatologia" (pp. 267-80) [pdf]


American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2017-18. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz and Elsa Filosa (pp. 281-91) [pdf]

Words of Remembrance

Renzo Bragantini. "In memoriam Pier Massimo Forni" (pp. 293-95) [pdf]


Banella, Laura. La Vita nuova del Boccaccio. Fortuna e tradizione. Rev. by Jelena Todorović (pp. 297-99) [pdf]

Bausi, Francesco. Leggere il Decameron. Rev. by Marco Aresu (pp. 301-03) [pdf]

Manni, Paola. La lingua del Boccaccio. Rev. by Daniela D'Eugenio (pp. 305-13) [pdf]


Locating Boccaccio Special Issue

Proceedings of the international conference,
Locating Boccaccio in 2013, Manchester, 10-12 July 2013,
edited by Guyda Armstrong and Stephen J. Milner


Introduction by Guyda Armstrong, Rhiannon Daniels and Stephen J. Milner. (pp. 1-10) [pdf]


Marco Cursi. "Boccaccio between Dante and Petrarch: Manuscripts, Marginalia, Drawings." (pp. 11-46) [pdf]

Brian Richardson. "The Corbaccio and Boccaccio's Standing in Early Modern Europe." (pp. 47-65) [pdf]

William Coleman. "Boccaccio's 1475 Teseida: Este Partisan and John Rylands Library Ghost." (pp. 67-77) [pdf]

Irene Cappelletti. "Il frammento magliabechiano del Decameron: una complessa interpretazione del Centonovelle." (pp. 79-100) [pdf]

Kenneth P. Clarke. "Author-Text-Reader: Boccaccio's Decameron in 1384." (pp. 101-15) [pdf]

Laura Refe. "Boccaccio's Biographical Tributes to Petrarch." (pp. 117-39) [pdf]

William Robins. "Intertextuality and Romance in the Novella of Bernabò and Zinevra (Decameron 2.9)." (pp. 141-60) [pdf]

Cosimo Burgassi. "Le traduzioni dei classici attribuite a Boccaccio alla luce del Dizionario dei Volgarizzamenti (DiVo)." (pp. 161-79) [pdf]

Catherine Baxter, "Niuna sì disonesta n'è, che, con onesti vocaboli dicendola, si disdica a alcuno": Turpiloquium in Boccaccio's Decameron." (pp. 181-201) [pdf]

Simone Ventura. "Sulla 'storia' di Griselda e Gualtieri in catalano e in francese alla fine del Trecento." (pp. 203-25) [pdf]

Irene Iocca. "Far from Naples: The Stinche's Role in the Manuscript Tradition of the Caccia di Diana." (pp. 227-44) [pdf]

Martina Mazzetti. "Il segno di Boccaccio: Sopravvivenze autoriali nella tradizione del Teseida." (pp. 245-63) [pdf]

Elisabetta Guerrieri. "Il Paradiso degli Alberti di Giovanni Gherardi da Prato: il modello decameroniano e altri archetipi letterari.” (pp. 265-82) [pdf]

Nicoletta Marcelli. "Boccaccio and the Canon before Bembo's Prose della volgar lingua (1525)." (pp. 283-96) [pdf]

Ambra Moroncini. "Suggestioni boccacciane ne Gli straccioni di Annibal Caro." (pp. 297-316) [pdf]

Clorinda Donato. "'A uno sposo novello si può anche contare qualche novelletta boccaccevole': Boccaccio and the Lascivious Discourse of Generation and Procreation among Eighteenth-Century Men of Science." (pp. 317-32) [pdf]

Paula Regina Siega. "Giovanni Boccaccio riletto da Pier Paolo Pasolini: Un percorso di comunicazione letteraria, dalla prosa alla sceneggiatura." (pp. 333-42) [pdf]

Enrica Ferrara. "The Author Re-codified: Pasolini between Giotto and Boccaccio." (pp. 343-59) [pdf]


American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2015-16. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz and Elsa Filosa. (pp. 361-75) [pdf]


Valerio Ferme. Women, Enjoyment, and the Defense of Virtue in Boccaccio's Decameron. Reviewed by Marilyn Migiel. (pp. 377-79) [pdf]



Marco Veglia. Premessa (pp. 1-3) [pdf]

Roberta Morosini. "From the Garden to the Liquid City: Notes on 2.10, 3.4 and 10, 4.6-7, or a Decameron Poetics of the Erotico-Political Based on Useful Work (civanza)." (pp. 5-49) [pdf]

Igor Candido. "Il 'pane tra le favole' o del Convivio di Boccaccio: l'Introduzione alla Quarta Giornata" (pp. 51-85). [pdf]

Massimo Giansante. "Amistà, vicinanza, parentado. Le strutture sociali alla prova del morbo." (pp. 87-104) [pdf]

Mario Conetti. "Il collasso dell'ordine giuridico e il diritto naturale nel Decameron." (pp. 105-30) [pdf]

Susanna Barsella. "Boccaccio, i tiranni e la ragione naturale." (pp. 131-63) [pdf]

Elsa Filosa. "Motivi anti-tirannide e repubblicani nel De mulieribus claris." (pp. 165-87) [pdf]

Emanuela Porta Casucci. "'Un uomo di vetro' fra corti e cortili. Giovanni Boccaccio, i Del Buono, i Rossi e gli altri." (pp. 189-212) [pdf]

Michael Papio. "Sulla povertà politica e filosofica del Boccaccio." (pp. 213-32) [pdf]

Denise Aricò. "'Per le antiche ruine con nuove scritture.' Le biografie politiche nel De casibus di Boccaccio." (pp. 233-61) [pdf]

Gabriele Baldassari. "Nodi politici (e intertestuali) tra Boccaccio e Petrarca." (pp. 263-303) [pdf]

H. Wayne Storey. "La politica e l'antigrafo del Fragmentorum liber (Chigiano L v 176)." (pp. 305-30) [pdf]


American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2014. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz and Elsa Filosa. (pp. 331-37) [pdf]

Review Essay:

Edoardo Ripari. "'Il visivo senso' del Decameron. Boccaccio al cinema." (pp. 339-60) [pdf]


Giovanni Boccaccio. Teseida delle Nozze d'Emilia. E. Agostinelli and W. Coleman, eds. Reviewed by Elsa Filosa. (pp. 361-64) [pdf]

Boccaccio. A Critical Guide to the Complete Works. Reviewed by Beatrice Arduini. (pp. 365-68) [pdf]

Guyda Armstrong. The English Boccaccio: A History in Books. Reviewed by Kavita Mudan Finn. (pp. 369-71) [pdf]

Kristina M. Olson. Courtesy Lost: Dante, Boccaccio, and the Literature of History. Reviewed by David Lummus. (pp. 373-77) [pdf]

Paola Vecchi Galli. Padri. Petrarca e Boccaccio nella poesia del Trecento. Reviewed by Beatrice Arduini. (pp. 379-82) [pdf]


Jelena Todorović. "Guido Cavalcanti in Boccaccio's Argomenti." (pp. 1-15) [pdf]

Michelangelo Zaccarello. "Boccaccio as a Scribal Editor: Book Concept, Language Innovation, Cultural Intermediation." (pp. 17-24) [pdf]

Marco Veglia. "Il signore delle anella." (pp. 25-38) [pdf]

Fabian Alfie. "Parable or Threat? Decameron I.7 and Hugh Primas' Reputation." (pp. 39-53) [pdf]

Janet Smarr. "Clergy in the Decameron: Another Look." (pp. 55-64) [pdf]

Michael Papio. "Un richiamo boeziano nelle opere del Boccaccio." (pp. 65-77) [pdf]

Nicolò Maldina. "Dante, Petrarca e la cornice visionaria del De casibus." (pp. 79-104) [pdf]

Elisa Curti. "'Le sue lacrime con le mie mescolando.' Lacrime amorose tra Boccaccio e Bembo." (pp. 105-19) [pdf]

Nicola Bonazzi. "Da Dianora a Marietta. Metamorfosi di un'illusione cortese." (pp. 121-39) [pdf]

In memoriam:

Elsa Filosa. "Nota bio-bibliografica in memoria di Giuseppe Velli." (pp. 141-52) [pdf]


American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2013. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz and Elsa Filosa. (pp. 153-61) [pdf]

Review Essay:

Èilis Kierans. "'Muttonhead' in the Modern and Medieval: A New Translation of the Decameron." (pp. 163-73) [pdf]


Giancarlo Alfano. Introduzione alla lettura del «Decameron» di Boccaccio. Reviewed by Enrica Maria Ferrara. (pp. 175-78) [pdf]

Fabian Alfie. Dante's Tenzone with Forese Donati: The Reprehension of Vice. Reviewed by Mary Ridley. (pp. 179-82) [pdf]

Giovanni Boccaccio. Decameron. V. Mouchet, ed. Reviewed by K. P. Clarke. (pp. 175-78) [pdf]

Giuseppe Chiecchi. Dante, Boccaccio, l'origine: Sei studi e una introduzione. Reviewed by Fabian Alfie. (pp. 185-86) [pdf]

Francisco Rico. Ritratti allo specchio (Boccaccio Petrarca). Reviewed by Roberta Morosini. (pp. 187-90) [pdf]


Lorenzo Dell'Oso. "Reopening a Question of Attribution: Programmatic Notes on Boccaccio and the Translation of Livy" (pp. 1-16) [pdf]

Filippo Andrei. "The Motto and the Enigma: Rhetoric and Knowledge in the Sixth Day of the Decameron" (pp. 17-45) [pdf]

Michael Papio. "On Seneca, Mussato, Trevet and the Boethian 'Tragedies' of the De casibus" (pp. 47-63) [pdf]

Matteo Bosisio. "Interpretazioni e riuso di Boccaccio all'interno del teatro volgare del Quattrocento" (pp. 65-80) [pdf]


Boccaccio angioino. Materiali per la storia culturale di Napoli nel Trecento. A cura di Giancarlo Alfano, Teresa d'Urso e Alessandra Perriccioli Saggese. Bruxelles, P.I.E.: Peter Lang, 2012. Reviewed by Martina Mazzetti. (pp. 81-88) [pdf]

Giovanni Boccaccio. Boccaccio's Expositions on Dante's Comedy. Translated, with introduction and notes, by Michael Papio. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009. Reviewed by Fabian Alfie. (pp. 89-91) [pdf]

Carol Falvo Heffernan. Comedy in Chaucer and Boccaccio. Cambridge, UK: D. S. Brewer, 2009. K. P. Clarke. Chaucer and Italian Textuality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Reviewed by Cristina Pangilinan. (pp. 93-98) [pdf]


Natalie Cleaver. "Phaethon's Old Age in the Genealogie and the Decameron" (pp. 1-16) [pdf]

Elisabetta Menetti. "La fucina delle finzioni: Le novelle e le origini del romanzo" (pp. 17-34) [pdf]

Maggie Fritz-Morkin. "Andreuccio at the Well: Sanitation Infrastructure and Civic Values in Decameron II.5" (pp. 35-49) [pdf]

Kristina Olson. "The Language of Women as Written by Men: Boccaccio, Dante and Gendered Histories of the Vernacular" (pp. 51-78) [pdf]

Giovanni Spani. "Il vino di Boccaccio: Usi e abusi in alcune novelle del Decameron" (pp. 79-98) [pdf]

Marco Veglia. "Messer Decameron Galeotto. Un titolo e una chiave di lettura" (pp. 99-112) [pdf]


Giovanni Boccaccio. La novella di Ser Cepparello. Decameron, I 1. Revisione filologica, introduzione e note di Alfonso D'Agostino. Milano: Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 2010. Reviewed by Martina Mazzetti. (pp. 113-19) [pdf]

Marco Cerocchi. Funzioni semantiche e metatestuali della musica in Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio. Firenze: Olschki, 2010. Reviewed by Fabian Alfie. (pp. 120-21) [pdf]

Certaldo. Poesia del Medioevo. Alla scoperta delle chiese, delle torri, dei palazzi nel paese di Giovanni Boccaccio. Francesca Allegri and Massimo Tosi, eds. Robert Hollander, Intro. Certaldo: Federighi Colorgrafiche, 2002. Reviewed by Victoria Kirkham. (pp. 122-25) [pdf]

La corrispondenza bucolica tra Giovanni Boccaccio e Checco di Meletto Rossi. L'egloga di Giovanni del Virgilio ad Albertino Mussato. Crit. ed. with commentary and introduction by Simona Lorenzini. Firenze: Olschki, 2011. Reviewed by Michael Papio. (pp. 126-30) [pdf]

Rhiannon Daniels. Boccaccio and the Book. Production and Reading in Italy 1340-1520. Oxford: Legenda, 2009. Reviewed by Beatrice Arduini. (pp. 131-34) [pdf]


American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2011-12. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz and Elsa Filosa. (pp. 135-47) [pdf]

Special Issue: "Giovanni Boccaccio and Fourteenth-Century Italian Culture: Tradition and Innovation"


Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 1-3) [pdf]


Marilyn Migiel. "New Lessons in Criticism and Blame from the Decameron." (pp. 5-30) [pdf]

Simone Marchesi. "Boccaccio's Vernacular Classicism: Intertextuality and Interdiscoursivity in the Decameron." (pp. 31-50) [pdf]

C. Jean Campbell. "Poetic Genealogy, Mythmaking and the Origins of Urban Nobility: Giovanni Boccaccio and Ambrogio Lorenzetti." (pp. 51-80) [pdf]

Aaron Beck. "Mirrors and Music in the Decameron." (pp. 81-103) [pdf]

F. Regina Psaki. "Boccaccio's Corbaccio as a Secret Admirer." (pp. 105-32) [pdf]

Christopher Livanos. "Elissa as a New Dido: Greece, the East, and the Westward Movement of Culture in the Decameron." (pp. 133-44) [pdf]

Piotr Salwa. "La novella post-boccacciana e la politica." (pp. 145-59) [pdf]


Monica Balestrero. L'immaginario del sogno nel Decameron. Reviewed by Elisabetta Menetti. (pp. 161-62) [pdf]

Teodolinda Barolini. Dante and the Origins of Italian Literary Culture. Reviewed by K. P. Clarke. (pp. 163-67) [pdf]

Dante e Boccaccio: Lectura Dantis Scaligera 2004-2005 in Memoria di Vittore Branca. Reviewed by Madison Sowell. (pp. 169-72) [pdf]

Simone Marchesi. Stratigrafie decameroniane. Reviewed by Nicola Jones. (pp. 173-75) [pdf]


American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2009. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz and Elsa Filosa. (pp. 177-81) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2010. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz and Elsa Filosa. (pp. 183-90) [pdf]


Marilyn Migiel. "Wanted: Translators of the Decameron's Moral and Ethical Complexities." (pp. 1-13) [pdf]

Marco Gargiulo. "Per una nuova edizione Degli Avvertimenti della lingua sopra 'l Decamerone di Leonardo Salviati." (pp. 15-41) [pdf]

In memoriam:

Luigi Surdich. "Michelangelo e io, la novella e Michelangelo." (pp. 43-61) [pdf]


Tobias Foster Gittes. Boccaccio's Naked Muse: Eros, Culture and the Mythopoeic Imagination. Reviewed by Kristina M. Olson. (pp. 63-66) [pdf]

Timothy Kircher. The Poet's Wisdom: The Humanists, the Church, and the Formation of Philosophy in the Early Renaissance. Reviewed by Jason Houston. (pp. 67-69) [pdf]

Thomas C. Stillinger and F. Regina Psaki, eds. Boccaccio and Feminist Criticism. Reviewed by Sarah Massoni. (pp. 71-75) [pdf]

Luigi Totaro. Ragioni d'amore: Le donne nel Decameron. Reviewed by Gabrielle E. Popoff. (pp. 77-79) [pdf]


American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2005-2008. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz and Elsa Filosa. (pp. 81-96) [pdf]


H. Wayne Storey. "Decameron II 4: the Matrices of Voice" (pp. 1-19) [pdf]

Stephen Kolsky. "The Decameron and Il Libro del Cortegiano: Story of a Conversation." (pp. 21-38) [pdf]

Domenico Conoscenti. "Fra mala ventura e fuoco dal cielo: La sogdomia in Decameron V 10 e nelle Esposizioni sopra la Comedia." (pp. 39-56) [pdf]


Agnès Blandeau. Pasolini, Chaucer and Boccaccio: Two Medieval Texts and their Translation to Film. Reviewed by Gian Maria Annovi. (pp. 57-59) [pdf]

Giovanni Boccaccio. Theseid of the Nuptials of Emilia (Teseida delle nozze di Emilia). Translated and with an introduction by Vincenzo Traversa. Reviewed by Martin G. Eisner. (pp. 61-63) [pdf]

Franco Cardini. Le cento novelle contro la morte: Giovanni Boccaccio e la rifondazione cavalleresca del mondo. Reviewed by Karina F. Attar. (pp. 65-67) [pdf]

Anna Cerbo. Metamorfosi del mito classico da Boccaccio a Marino. Reviewed by Fabio Calabrese. (pp. 69-73) [pdf]

Geoffrey Chaucer. Troilus and Criseyde. Reviewed by Jenny Adams. (pp. 75-77) [pdf]

Marco Cursi. Il Decameron: scritture, scriventi, lettori. Storia di un testo. Reviewed by Beatrice Arduini. (pp. 79-82) [pdf]

Margaret Franklin. Boccaccio's Heroines: Power and Virtue in Renaissance Society. Reviewed by Rhiannon Daniels. (pp. 83-85) [pdf]

Suzanne C. Hagedorn. Abandoned Women: Rewriting the Classics in Dante, Boccaccio & Chaucer. Reviewed by William Sayers. (pp. 87-89) [pdf]

Stephen Kolsky. The Ghost of Boccaccio: Writings on Famous Women in Renaissance Italy. Reviewed by Gabrielle Elissa Popoff. (pp. 91-94) [pdf]

William R. Levin. The Allegory of Mercy at the Misericordia in Florence: Historiography, Context, Iconography, and the Documentation of Confraternal Charity in the Trecento. Reviewed by Kristen Renner Swann. (pp. 95-101) [pdf]

Marilyn Migiel. A Rhetoric of the Decameron. Reviewed by Angela Matilde Capodivacca. (pp. 103-06) [pdf]

Studi sul canone letterario del Trecento per Michelangelo Picone. A cura di Johannes Bartuschat e Luciano Rossi. Reviewed by Carmela Scala. (pp. 107-09) [pdf]


Federico Sanguineti. "Quarta giornata." (pp. 1-19) [pdf]

Jonathan Usher. "Monuments More Enduring than Bronze: Boccaccio and Paper Inscriptions." (pp. 21-50) [pdf]


Simonetta Mazzoni Peruzzi, ed. Boccaccio e le letterature romanze tra Medioevo e Rinascimento. Atti del Convegno Internazionale "Boccaccio e la Francia." Reviewed by Charmaine Lee. (pp. 51-56) [pdf]

Michelangelo Picone, ed. Autori e lettori di Boccaccio. Atti del Convegno internazionale di Certaldo. Reviewed by Michael Sherberg. (pp. 57-58) [pdf]

Michelangelo Picone and Margherita Mesirca, eds. Introduzione al "Decameron." Lectura Boccaccii Turicensis. Reviewed by Marilyn Migiel. (pp. 59-64) [pdf]

Maria Elisa Raja. Le muse in giardino: Il paesaggio ameno nelle opere di Giovanni Boccaccio. Reviewed by Marco Arnaudo. (pp. 65-67) [pdf]

Janis Elliott and Cordelia Warr, eds. The Church of Santa Maria Donna Regina, Art, Iconography, and Patronage in Fourteenth-Century Naples. Reviewed by Elizabeth Molina. (pp. 69-71) [pdf]


Elsa Filosa. "Intertestualità tra Decameron e De mulieribus claris: La tragica storia di Tisbe e Piramo." (pp. 1-11) [pdf]

Stefano Gulizia. "Ambiguità della forma breve da Boccaccio all'Umanesimo." (pp. 13-31) [pdf]


Guglielmo Cavallo, ed. Libri e lettori nel medioevo: guida storica e critica. Reviewed by Rhiannon Daniels. (pp. 33-36) [pdf]

Carl Brandon Strehlke. Italian Paintings, 1250-1450. Reviewed by Yves Laberge. (pp. 37-38) [pdf]

Giannozzo Manetti. Vite di Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio. A cura di Stefano U. Baldassari. Reviewed by Rodney Lokaj. (pp. 39-40) [pdf]

Simone Villani. Il Decameron allo specchio: il film di Pasolini come saggio sull'opera di Boccaccio. Reviewed by Emanuele Occhipinti. (pp. 41-43) [pdf]

Elisabeth Arend. Lachen und Komik in Giovanni Boccaccios Decameron. Reviewed by William Sayers. (pp. 45-47) [pdf]

Corinna Laude. "Daz in swindelt in den sinnen": Die Poetik der Perspektive bei Heinrich Wittenweiler und Giovanni Boccaccio. Kurt Flasch. Vernunft und Vergnügen. Liebesgeschichten aus dem Decameron. Reviewed by Carlo Testa. (pp. 49-51) [pdf]

Issue 1


Jonathan Usher. "Boccaccio, Cavalcanti's Canzone 'Donna me prega' and Dino's Glosses." (pp. 1-19) [pdf]

Francesca A. Pennisi. "Un-Masking Venice: Allegory and the Politics of Reading in Decameron IV.2." (pp. 21-32) [pdf]

Lina Insana. "Redefining Dulce et utile: Boccaccio's Organization of Literature on Economic Terms." (pp. 33-58) [pdf]

Mary-Michelle DeCoste. "Filomena, Dioneo and an Ass." (pp. 59-68) [pdf]


The Decameron. First Day in Perspective: Volume One of the Lectura Boccaccii. Elissa B. Weaver, ed. Reviewed by Madison U. Sowell. (pp. 69-73) [pdf]

Franco Cardini and Massimo Miglio. Nostalgia del Paradiso: il giardino medievale. Reviewed by Marco Arnaudo. (pp. 75-78) [pdf]

Suzanne C. Hagedorn. Abandoned Women. Rewriting the Classics in Dante, Boccaccio & Chaucer. Reviewed by Diego Fasolini. (pp. 79-82) [pdf]

Maurizio Vitale and Vittore Branca. Il capolavoro del Boccaccio e due diverse redazioni. Reviewed by Victoria Kirkham. (pp. 83-97) [pdf]

Maurizio Vitale and Vittore Branca. Il capolavoro del Boccaccio e due diverse redazioni. Reviewed by Jonathan Usher. (pp. 99-105) [pdf]


American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2001. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 107-11) [pdf]

Editor's Notes: (pp. 113-23) [pdf]

Issue 2


Marilyn Migiel. "Figurative Language and Sex Wars in the Decameron." (pp. 1-12) [pdf]


Giovanni Boccaccio. Life of Dante. J.G. Nichols, trans. Reviewed by Guyda Armstrong. (pp. 13-31) [pdf]

David Hughes. The Hack's Tale: Hunting the Makers of Media: Chaucer, Froissart, Boccaccio. Reviewed by Gabrielle Popoff. (pp. 33-34) [pdf]

Edwin S. Hunt. The Medieval Super-Companies. A Study of the Peruzzi Company of Florence. Reviewed by Gloria Allaire. (pp. 35-39) [pdf]

Stephen D. Kolsky. The Genealogy of Women: Studies in Boccaccio's De mulieribus claris. Reviewed by Martin Marafioti. (pp. 41-43) [pdf]

In memoriam:

Victoria Kirkham. "Vittore Branca (Savona, 1913 - Venice, 2004)." (pp. 45-47) [pdf]


American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2001-2002. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 49-53) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2002-2004. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 55-62) [pdf]

Editor's Notes: (pp. 63-68) [pdf]

Lectura Boccaccii:

Ronald L. Martinez. "Calandrino and the Powers of the Stone: Rhetoric, Belief, and the Progress of Ingegno in Decameron VIII.3." (pp. 1-32) [pdf]


Regina Psaki. "Women Make All Things Lose Their Power: Women's Knowledge, Men's Fear in the Decameron and the Corbaccio." (pp. 33-48) [pdf]

Janet Smarr. "The Marriage of Plautus and Boccaccio." (pp. 49-61) [pdf]

Jonathan Usher. "Boccaccio on Readers and Reading." (pp. 63-85) [pdf]


Giovanni Boccaccio. Famous Women. V. Brown, ed. and trans. Reviewed by Guyda Armstrong. (pp. 87-96) [pdf]

Boccaccio visualizzato. V. Branca, ed. Reviewed by Evelyn Lincoln. (pp. 97-101) [pdf]


American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1985. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 103-05) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1986. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 106-09) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1987. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 110-12) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1988. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 113-17) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1989. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 118-23) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1990. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 124-31) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1991. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 132-37) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1992. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 138-44) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1993. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 145-53) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1994. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 154-59) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1995. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 160-63) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1996. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 164-69) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1997. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 170-76) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1998. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 177-81) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1999. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 182-86) [pdf]

American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2000. Compiled by Christopher Kleinhenz. (pp. 187-94) [pdf]

Editor's Notes (pp. 95-105) [pdf]


Adams, Jenny:
(review) Geoffrey Chaucer. Troilus and Criseyde. Stephen A. Barney, ed. Norton Critical Edition. New York: W. W. Norton, 2006. 5 (2008): 75-77 [pdf].
Agostini, Caterina:
(review) William Caferro. Petrarch's War: Florence and the Black Death in Context. 20 (2023): 181-83 [pdf].
Alfie, Fabian:
(review) Marco Cerocchi. Funzioni semantiche e metatestuali della musica in Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio. Firenze: Olschki, 2010. 8-9 (2011-12): 120-21 [pdf]; (review) Giovanni Boccaccio. Boccaccio's Expositions on Dante's Comedy. Translated, with introduction and notes, by Michael Papio. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009. 10 (2013): 89-91 [pdf]; "Parable or Threat? Decameron I.7 and Hugh Primas' Reputation." 11 (2014): 39-53 [pdf]; (review) Giuseppe Chiecchi. Dante, Boccaccio, l'origine: Sei studi e una introduzione. Firenze: Olschki, 2013. 11 (2014): 185-86 [pdf].
Allaire, Gloria:
(review) Edwin S. Hunt. The Medieval Super-Companies. A Study of the Peruzzi Company of Florence. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997. 2.2 (2004): 35-39 [pdf].
Andrei, Filippo:
"The Motto and the Enigma: Rhetoric and Knowledge in the Sixth Day of the Decameron." 10 (2013): 17-45 [pdf].
Angrilli, Edoardo:
(review) Sabrina Ferrara, ed. Échanges épistolaires autour de Pétrarque et Boccace. Paris: Honoré-Champion, 2021. 20 (2023): 191-96 [pdf].
Annovi, Gian Maria:
(review) Agnès Blandeau. Pasolini, Chaucer and Boccaccio: Two Medieval Texts and their Translation to Film. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2006. 5 (2008): 57-59 [pdf].
Arduini, Beatrice:
(review) Marco Cursi. Il Decameron: scritture, scriventi, lettori. Storia di un testo. Roma: Viella, 2007. 5 (2008): 79-82 [pdf]; (review) Rhiannon Daniels. Boccaccio and the Book. Production and Reading in Italy 1340-1520. Oxford: Legenda, 2009. 8-9 (2011-12): 131-34 [pdf]; (review) Boccaccio. A Critical Guide to the Complete Works. V. Kirkham, M. Sherberg and J. L. Smarr. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2013. 12-13 (2015-16): 365-68 [pdf]; (review) Paola Vecchi Galli. Padri. Petrarca e Boccaccio nella poesia del Trecento. Roma-Padova: Antenore, 2012. 12-13 (2015-16): 379-82 [pdf]; "Messer Torello's Magic Carpet Ride as Synecdoche for Decameron 10.9." 16-17 (2019-20): 189-204 [pdf].
Aresu, Francesco Marco:
(review) Francesco Bausi. Leggere il Decameron. Bologna: il Mulino, 2017. 15 (2018): 301-03 [pdf].
Aricò, Denise:
"'Per le antiche ruine con nuove scritture.' Le biografie politiche nel De casibus di Boccaccio." 12-13 (2015-16): 233-61 [pdf].
Armstrong, Guyda:
(review) Giovanni Boccaccio. Famous Women. Virginia Brown, tr. Cambridge and London: Harvard UP, 2001. 1.1 (2003): 87-96 [pdf]; (review) Giovanni Boccaccio. Life of Dante. J. G. Nichols, tr. London: Hesperus Press, 2002. 2.2 (2004): 13-31 [pdf]; "Introduction." 14 (2017): 1-10 [pdf].
Arnaudo, Marco:
(review) Franco Cardini and Massimo Miglio. Nostalgia del Paradiso: il giardino medievale. Roma-Bari: Laterza, 2002. 2.1 (2004): 75-78 [pdf]; (review) Maria Elisa Raja. Le muse in giardino: Il paesaggio ameno nelle opere di Giovanni Boccaccio, Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 2003. 4.1-2 (2007): 65-67 [pdf].
Attar, Karina:
(review) Franco Cardini, Le cento novelle contro la morte: Giovanni Boccaccio e la rifondazione cavalleresca del mondo. Roma: Salerno Editrice, 2007. 5 (2008): 65-67 [pdf].
Baggio, Adriana:
"Italian Reception, Tradition and Translation of Giovanni Boccaccio's De mulieribus claris." 18-19 (2021-22): 223-46 [pdf].
Baldassari, Gabriele:
"Nodi politici (e intertestuali) tra Boccaccio e Petrarca." 12-13 (2015-16): 263-303 [pdf].
Barsella, Susanna:
"Boccaccio, i tiranni e la ragione naturale." 12-13 (2015-16): 131-63 [pdf].
Barsella, Susanna:
"Boccaccio, i tiranni e la ragione naturale." 12-13 (2015-16): 131-63 [pdf].
Battaglia Ricci, Lucia:
Boccaccio letterato, umanista e narratore. Intervista di Elisabetta Menetti a Lucia Battaglia Ricci. 20 (2023): 127-55 [pdf]
Beck, Aaron:
"Mirrors and Music in the Decameron." 7 (2010): 81-103 [pdf]; "Donneschi suoni: Women and Music in Boccaccio's Comedia delle ninfe fiorentine (1341-42)." 18-19 (2021-22): 25-37 [pdf].
Bertolio, Johnny:
"La 'camiscia' di Griselda (Dec. 10.10) da Boccaccio a J. K. Rowling." 18-19 (2021-22): 145-61 [pdf].
Bisanti, Armando:
"Giovanni Boccaccio fra il Geta e l'Alda." 16-17 (2019-20): 1-53 [pdf]; "Gli inni a Venere di Troiolo (Filostr. 3.74-89) e di Panfilo (Pamph. 1-70)." 18-19 (2021-22): 1-24 [pdf]; (review) Patrizia Grimaldi Pizzorno. Dopo la peste. Desiderio e ragione nella Decima Giornata del Decameron. Firenze: Olschki, 2021. 20 (2023): 205-07 [pdf]; (review) Simone Marchesi and Susanna Barsella, eds. The Decameron Ninth Day in Perspective. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2022. 20 (2023): 221-24 [pdf].
Bologna, Corrado:
"Boccaccio e l'invenzione del cànone dei Classici Moderni." 15 (2018): 5-38 [pdf].
Bonanno, Richard:
(review) Luca Fiorentini. Petrarch and Boccaccio in the First Commentaries on Dante's Commedia: A Literary Canon Before its Official Birth. New York: Routledge, 2020. 20 (2023): 201-03 [pdf].
Bonazzi, Nicola:
"Da Dianora a Marietta. Metamorfosi di un'illusione cortese." 11 (2014): 121-39 [pdf].
Borgonovi, Rosa:
"Un Decameron cinquecentesco: l'identità culturale delle edizioni di Lionardo Salviati." 16-17 (2019-20): 229-41 [pdf].
Bosisio, Matteo:
"Interpretazioni e riuso di Boccaccio all'interno del teatro volgare del Quattrocento." 10 (2013): 65-80 [pdf]; (review) Boillet, Danielle. Tancrède en scène. De la nouvelle de Boccace aux tragèdies italiennes des XVe–XVIIe siècles. Genève: Droz, 2021. 18-19 (2021-22): 291-93 [pdf].
Bragantini, Renzo:
"In memoriam Pier Massimo Forni." 15 (2018): 293-95 [pdf]; Boccaccio e Petrarca tra Medioevo e Umanesimo. Ilaria Tufano intervista Renzo Bragantini. 20 (2023): 157-65 [pdf].
Brock, Alexander L.:
"When Il Grasso Becomes Calandrino: La Novella del Grasso Legnaiuolo and the Productive Failure of Literary Imitation." 20 (2023): 19-39 [pdf].
Buckland, Michael:
"Franklin Samuel Stych. Notes. July 15, 2018." 16-17 (2019-20): 243-44 [pdf].
Burgassi, Cosimo:
"Le traduzioni dei classici attribuite a Boccaccio alla luce del Dizionario dei Volgarizzamenti (DiVo)." 14 (2017): 161-79 [pdf].
Caferro, William:
"The Visconti War and Boccaccio's Florentine Public Service in Context, 1351–53." 15 (2018): 111-31 [pdf].
Calabrese, Fabio:
(review) Anna Cerbo. Metamorfosi del mito classico da Boccaccio a Marino. Firenze: Edizioni ETS, 2001. 5 (2008): 69-73 [pdf].
Camassa, Lelio:
(review) Antonio Fatigati. Boccaccio teologo: Per una rilettura del Decameron. Firenze: Mauro Pagliai, 2021. 20 (2023): 185-89 [pdf].
Campbell, C. Jean:
"Poetic Genealogy, Mythmaking and the Origins of Urban Nobility: Giovanni Boccaccio and Ambrogio Lorenzetti." 7 (2010): 51-80 [pdf].
Canaccini, Federico:
"Giovanni Regina: A Theologian at the Court of King Robert in Naples During Boccaccio's Time." 15 (2018): 161-72 [pdf].
Candido, Igor:
(review) Marilyn Migiel. A Rhetoric of the Decameron. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003. 5 (2008): 103-06 [pdf]; "Il 'pane tra le favole' o del Convivio di Boccaccio: l'Introduzione alla Quarta Giornata." 12-13 (2015-16): 51-85 [pdf].
Capodivacca, Angela Matilde:
(review) Marilyn Migiel. A Rhetoric of the Decameron. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003. 5 (2008): 103-06 [pdf].
Cappelletti, Irene
"Il frammento magliabechiano del Decameron: una complessa interpretazione del Centonovelle." 14 (2017): 79-100 [pdf]; "La brigata in Purgatorio. Qualche ipotesi sulla struttura del Decameron." 15 (2018): 57-92 [pdf].
Cellai, Valerio:
"Una rilettura cinquecentesca della novella di Tancredi e Gismonda (Decameron 4.1): il Tancredi principe. Tragedia composta dal conte di Camerano." 20 (2023): 1-17 [pdf].
Ceteroni, Alessandro:
(review) Marcello Bolpagni. La geografia del Decameron. Novate Milanese (MI): Prospero, 2016. 16-17 (2019-20): 281-83 [pdf]; (review) Olivia Holmes and Dana E. Stewart, eds. Reconsidering Boccaccio. Medieval Contexts and Global Intertexts. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018. 16-17 (2019-20): 293-95 [pdf]; (review) Renzo Bragantini. Il Decameron e il Medioevo rivoluzionario di Boccaccio. Roma: Carocci, 2022. 20 (2023): 177-79 [pdf].
Clarke, Kenneth P.:
(review) Teodolinda Barolini. Dante and the Origins of Italian Literary Culture. New York: Fordham University Press, 2006. 7 (2010): 163-67 [pdf]; (review) Giovanni Boccaccio. Decameron. V. Mouchet, ed. Roma: Salerno, 2006. 11 (2014): 175-78 [pdf]; "Author-Text-Reader: Boccaccio's Decameron in 1384." 14 (2017): 101-15 [pdf].
Cleaver, Natalie:
"Phaethon's Old Age in the Genealogie and the Decameron." 8-9 (2011-12): 1-16 [pdf].
Coleman, William
"Boccaccio's 1475 Teseida: Este Partisan and John Rylands Library Ghost." 14 (2017): 67-77 [pdf].
Conetti, Mario:
"Il collasso dell'ordine giuridico e il diritto naturale nel Decameron. 12-13 (2015-16): 105-30 [pdf].
Conoscenti, Domenico:
"Fra mala ventura e fuoco dal cielo: La sogdomia in Decameron V 10 e nelle Esposizioni sopra la Comedia." 5 (2008): 39-56 [pdf].
Cursi, Marco:
"Boccaccio between Dante and Petrarch: Manuscripts, Marginalia, Drawings." 14 (2017): 11-46 [pdf].
Curti, Elisa:
"'Le sue lacrime con le mie mescolando.' Lacrime amorose tra Boccaccio e Bembo." 11 (2014): 105-19 [pdf].
D'Eugenio, Daniela:
(review) Paola Manni. La lingua di Boccaccio. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2016. 15 (2018): 305-13 [pdf]; (review) Michael Sherberg, ed. The Decameron Fourth Day in Perspective. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020. 20 (2023): 231-33 [pdf].
Daniels, Rhiannon:
(review) Guglielmo Cavallo, ed. Libri e lettori nel medioevo: guida storica e critica. Roma: Laterza, 2003. 3.1-2 (2006): 33-36 [pdf]; (review) Margaret Franklin. Boccaccio's Heroines: Power and Virtue in Renaissance Society. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006. 5 (2008): 83-85 [pdf]; "Introduction." 14 (2017): 1-10 [pdf].
De Robertis, Tommaso:
"A New Source for Boccaccio's Concept of Fortune. The Pseudo-Aristotelian Liber de bona fortuna." 16-17 (2019-20): 169-87 [pdf].
DeCoste, Mary-Michelle:
"Filomena, Dioneo and an Ass." 2.1 (2004): 59-68 [pdf].
Dell'Oso, Lorenzo:
"Reopening a Question of Attribution: Programmatic Notes on Boccaccio and the Translation of Livy." 10 (2013): 1-16 [pdf].
Delmolino, Grace:
(review) Frederick M. Biggs. Chaucer's Decameron and the Origin of the Canterbury Tales. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2017. 16-17 (2019-20): 275-79 [pdf].
Donato, Clorinda:
"'A uno sposo novello si può anche contare qualche novelletta boccaccevole': Boccaccio and the Lascivious Discourse of Generation and Procreation among Eighteenth-Century Men of Science." 14 (2017): 317-32 [pdf].
Eisner, Martin G.:
(review) Giovanni Boccaccio. Theseid of the Nuptials of Emilia (Teseida delle nozze di Emilia). Translated and with an introduction by Vincenzo Traversa. New York: Peter Lang, 2002. 5 (2008): 61-63 [pdf].
Ellero, Maria Pia:
"Libri pittori e libri parlanti. Lettura e immaginazione nelle allocuzioni all'opera di Boccaccio: dal Filocolo all'Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta." 16-17 (2019-20): 55-81 [pdf]; (review) Anne Robin. À la recherche de l'équilibre. De la maladie à la santé: l'histoire de la lieta brigata du Décaméron. Ravenna: Longo, 2022. 20 (2023): 225-30 [pdf].
Fasolini, Diego:
(review) Suzanne C. Hagedorn. Abandoned Women. Rewriting the Classics in Dante, Boccaccio & Chaucer. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2003. 2.1 (2004): 79-82 [pdf].
Ferrara, Enrica Maria:
(review) Giancarlo Alfano. Introduzione alla lettura del «Decameron» di Boccaccio. Roma-Bari: Laterza, 2014. 11 (2014): 175-78 [pdf]; "The Author Re-codified: Pasolini between Giotto and Boccaccio." 14 (2017): 343-59 [pdf].
Filosa, Elsa:
"Intertestualità tra Decameron e De mulieribus claris: La tragica storia di Tisbe e Piramo." 3.1-2 (2006): 1-11 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2005-2008. Compiled with C. Kleinhenz. 6 (2009): 81-96 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2009. Compiled with C. Kleinhenz. 7 (2010): 177-81 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2010. Compiled with C. Kleinhenz. 7 (2010): 183-90 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2011-2012. Compiled with C. Kleinhenz. 8-9 (2011-12): 135-47 [pdf]; "In memoriam: Giuseppe Velli." 11 (2014): 141-52 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2013. Compiled with C. Kleinhenz. 11 (2014): 153-61 [pdf]; "Motivi anti-tirannide e repubblicani nel De mulieribus claris." 12-13 (2015-16): 165-87 [pdf]; (review) Giovanni Boccaccio. Teseida delle Nozze d'Emilia. Crit. ed. by Edvige Agostinelli and William Coleman. Firenze: Edizioni il Galluzzo, 2015. 12-13 (2015-16): 361-64 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2014. Compiled with C. Kleinhenz. 12-13 (2015-16): 331-37 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2015-2016. Compiled with C. Kleinhenz. 14 (2017): 361-75 [pdf]; "Messer Pino di messer Giovanni de' Rossi" 15 (2018): 1331-59 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2017-2018. Compiled with C. Kleinhenz. 15 (2018): 281-91 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2018-2019. Compiled with C. Kleinhenz. 16-17 (2019-20): 259-73 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2020-2021. Compiled with C. Kleinhenz. 18-19 (2021-22): 267-79 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2022-2023. Compiled with C. Kleinhenz. 20 (2023): 235-43 [pdf].
Fiorinelli, Gaia:
"A proposito di alcune postille boccacciane nell'Ambrosiano A 204 inf." 16-17 (2019-20): 107-68 [pdf].
Franzini, Martina:
(review) Zygmunt G. Barański. Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio: Literature, Doctrine, Reality. Cambridge: Legenda, 2020. 20 (2023): 171-75 [pdf].
Fritz-Morkin, Maggie:
"Andreuccio at the Well: Sanitation Infrastructure and Civic Values in Decameron II.5." 8-9 (2011-12): 35-49 [pdf].
Gaglione, Mario:
"Giovanni, Niccolò e Andrea: Boccaccio e gli Acciaiuoli a Napoli." 20 (2023): 41-99 [pdf].
Galassi, Francesco M., with Elena Varotto, Giovanni Spani, Fabrizio Toscano, Emanuele Armocida and Michael Papio:
"Boccaccio e la paleopatologia." 15 (2018): 267-80 [pdf]; "Alcune riflessioni paleotossicologiche su un presunto caso di intossicazione da solanina nel Novellino. 16-17 (2019-20): 251-57 [pdf].
Gargiulo, Marco:
"Per una nuova edizione Degli Avvertimenti della lingua sopra 'l Decamerone di Leonardo Salviati." 6 (2009): 15-41 [pdf].
Garosi, Linda:
(review) Blanco Valdés, Carmen F. Vida de Dante Alighieri. Tratado en honor de Dante Alighieri florentino, poeta ilustre. Berlin/Wien: Peter Lang, 2020. 18-19 (2021-22): 287-89 [pdf].
Gelmi, Alberto:
"Filostrato: an Unintentional Comedy?" 15 (2018): 93-109 [pdf]; (review) Igor Candido, ed. Petrarch and Boccaccio. The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-modern World. 16-17 (2019-20): 289-92 [pdf].
Giansante, Massimo:
"Amistà, vicinanza, parentado. Le strutture sociali alla prova del morbo." 12-13 (2015-16): 87-104 [pdf].
Guerrieri, Elisabetta:
"Il Paradiso degli Alberti di Giovanni Gherardi da Prato: il modello decameroniano e altri archetipi letterari." 14 (2017): 265-82 [pdf].
Gulizia, Stefano:
"Ambiguità della forma breve da Boccaccio all'Umanesimo." 3.1-2 (2006): 13-31 [pdf].
Hourmouziadis, Stylianos:
"Per la storia delle traduzioni del Decameron in greco: Una prima analisi dell’edizione di N. Galatis del 1954." 20 (2023): 101-25 [pdf].
Houston, Jason:
(review) Timothy Kircher. The Poet's Wisdom: The Humanists, the Church, and the Formation of Philosophy in the Early Renaissance. Leiden: Brill, 2006. 6 (2009): 67-69 [pdf].
Insana, Lina:
"Redefining Dulce et utile: Boccaccio's Organization of Literature on Economic Terms." 2.1 (2004): 33-58 [pdf].
Iocca, Irene:
"Far from Naples: The Stinche's Role in the Manuscript Tradition of the Caccia di Diana." 14 (2017): 227-44 [pdf].
Jones, Nicola:
(review) Simone Marchesi. Stratigrafie decameroniane. Firenze: Olschki, 2004. 7 (2010): 173-75 [pdf].
Kierans, Èilis:
"'Muttonhead' in the Modern and Medieval: A New Translation of the Decameron." 11 (2014): 163-73 [pdf].
Kircher, Timothy:
"Introduction." 15 (2018): 1-3 [pdf]; "Boccaccio and the Appearance of Reality (Decameron 8.3/9.3)." 16-17 (2019-20): 83-105 [pdf].
Kirkham, Victoria:
(review) Maurizio Vitale and Vittore Branca. Il capolavoro del Boccaccio e due diverse redazioni. 2 vols. Venice: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 2002. 2.1 (2004): 83-97 [pdf]; In memoriam Vittore Branca. 2.2 (2004): 45-47 [pdf]; (review) Certaldo. Poesia del Medioevo. Alla scoperta delle chiese, delle torri, dei palazzi nel paese di Giovanni Boccaccio. A c. di F. Allegri e M. Tosi. Certaldo: Federighi Colorgrafiche, 2002. 8-9 (2011-12): 122-25 [pdf].
Kleinhenz, Christopher:
American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1985. 1.1 (2003): 103-05 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1986. 1.1 (2003): 106-09 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1987. 1.1 (2003): 110-12 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1988. 1.1 (2003): 113-17 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1989. 1.1 (2003): 118-23 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1990. 1.1 (2003): 124-31 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1991. 1.1 (2003): 132-37 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1992. 1.1 (2003): 138-44 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1993. 1.1 (2003): 145-53 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1994. 1.1 (2003): 154-59 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1995. 1.1 (2003): 160-63 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1996. 1.1 (2003): 164-69 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1997. 1.1 (2003): 170-76 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1998. 1.1 (2003): 177-81 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 1999. 1.1 (2003): 182-86 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2000. 1.1 (2003): 187-94 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography 2001. 2.1 (2004): 107-11 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography 2001-02. 2.2 (2004): 49-53 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography 2002-04. 2.2 (2004): 55-62 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2005-08. Compiled with E. Filosa. 6 (2009): 81-96 [pdf]; Introduction to Special Number of Heliotropia. 7 (2010): 1-3 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2009. Compiled with E. Filosa. 7 (2010): 177-81 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2010. Compiled with E. Filosa. 7 (2010): 183-90 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2011-2012. Compiled with E. Filosa. 8-9 (2011-12): 135-47 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2013. Compiled with E. Filosa. 11 (2014): 153-61 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2014. Compiled with E. Filosa. 12-13 (2015-16): 331-37 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2015-2016. Compiled with E. Filosa. 14 (2017): 361-75 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2016-2017. Compiled with E. Filosa. 15 (2018): 281-91 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2018-2019. Compiled with E. Filosa. 16-17 (2019-20): 259-73 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2021-2022. Compiled with E. Filosa. 18-19 (2021-22): 267-79 [pdf]; American Boccaccio Bibliography for 2022-2023. Compiled with E. Filosa. 20 (2023): 235-43 [pdf].
Kolsky, Stephen:
"The Decameron and Il Libro del Cortegiano: Story of a Conversation." 5 (2008): 21-38 [pdf].
Laberge, Yves:
(review) Carl Brandon Strehlke. Italian Paintings, 1250-1450. Philadelphia (Philadelphia Museum of Art): Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004. 3.1-2 (2006): 37-38 [pdf].
Lee, Charmaine:
(review) Boccaccio e le letterature romanze tra Medioevo e Rinascimento. Atti del Convegno Internazionale "Boccaccio e la Francia." Simonetta Mazzoni Peruzzi, ed. Firenze: Alinea Edtrice, 2006. 4.1-2 (2007): 51-56 [pdf].
Lincoln, Evelyn:
"Branca's 'Signature Piece.'" (review) Boccaccio visualizzato. Narrare per parole e per immagini fra Medioevo e Rinascimento. Vittore Branca, ed. 3 vols. Torino: Einaudi, 1999. 1.1 (2003): 97-101 [pdf].
Livanos, Christopher:
"Elissa as a New Dido: Greece, the East, and the Westward Movement of Culture in the Decameron." 7 (2010): 133-44 [pdf].
Lokaj, Rodney:
(review) Giannozzo Manetti. Vite di Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio. A cura di Stefano U. Baldassari, Palermo: Sellerio 2003. 3.1-2 (2006): 39-40 [pdf].
Lorenzini, Simona:
"Between Petrarch and Boccaccio: the Rewriting of Griselda's Tale (Dec. 10.10). A Rhetorical Debate on Latin and Vernacular Languages." 16-17 (2019-20): 205-27 [pdf].
Losi, Giorgio:
(review) Marcello Bolpagni. La geografia del Decameron. Novate Milanese (MI): Prospero, 2016. 16-17 (2019-20): 285-88 [pdf].
Lovell, Alison:
"'O mulieris astutia!' Noetic Women in Boccaccio's De mulieribus claris." 18-19 (2021-22): 191-222 [pdf].
Lummus, David:
(review) Kristina M. Olson. Courtesy Lost: Dante, Boccaccio, and the Literature of History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014. 12-13 (2015-16): 373-77 [pdf].
Maldina, Nicolò:
"Dante, Petrarca e la cornice visionaria del De casibus." 11 (2014): 79-104 [pdf].
Marcelli, Nicoletta:
"Boccaccio and the Canon before Bembo's Prose della volgar lingua (1525)." 14 (2017): 283-96 [pdf].
Marafioti, Martin:
(review) Stephen D. Kolsky. The Genealogy of Women: Studies in Boccaccio's De mulieribus claris. New York: Peter Lang, 2003. 2.2 (2004): 41-43 [pdf].
Marchesi, Simone:
"Boccaccio's Vernacular Classicism: Intertextuality and Interdiscoursivity in the Decameron." 7 (2010): 31-50 [pdf].
Martinez, Ronald L.:
"Calandrino and the Powers of the Stone: Rhetoric, Belief and the Progress of Ingegno in Decameron VIII.3." 1.1 (2003): 1-32 [pdf].
Massoni, Sarah:
(review) Thomas C. Stillinger and F. Regina Psaki, eds. Boccaccio and Feminist Criticism. Chapel Hill, NC: Annali d'Italianistica, 2006. 6 (2009): 71-75 [pdf].
Matukhin, Max:
"A Tale of Two Confessions: The Roman de Renart and the Corbaccio." 18-19 (2021-22): 247-66 [pdf].
Maxson, Brian Jeffrey:
(review) Andreini, Alessandro, Susanna Barsella, Elsa Filosa, Jason Houston and Sergio Tognetti, eds. Niccolò Acciaiuoli, Boccaccio e la Certosa del Galluzzo. Roma: Viella, 2020. 18-19 (2021-22): 281-86 [pdf].
Mazzetti, Martina:
(review) Giovanni Boccaccio. La novella di Ser Cepparello. Decameron, I 1. Revisione filologica, introduzione e note di Alfonso D'Agostino. Milano: Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 2010. 8-9 (2011-12): 113-19 [pdf]; (review) Boccaccio angioino. Materiali per la storia culturale di Napoli nel Trecento. A cura di Giancarlo Alfano, Teresa d'Urso e Alessandra Perriccioli Saggese. Bruxelles, P.I.E.: Peter Lang, 2012. 10 (2013): 81-88 [pdf]; "Il segno di Boccaccio: Sopravvivenze autoriali nella tradizione del Teseida." 14 (2017): 245-63 [pdf].
McGrath, Christina:
"Manipulated, Misrepresented and Maligned: The Censorship and Rassettatura of the Decameron." 15 (2018): 189-203 [pdf].
Menetti, Elisabetta:
(review) Monica Balestrero. L'immaginario del sogno nel Decameron. Roma: Aracne, 2009. 7 (2010): 161-62 [pdf]; "La fucina delle finzioni: Le novelle e le origini del romanzo." 8-9 (2011-12): 17-34 [pdf]; Boccaccio letterato, umanista e narratore. Intervista di Elisabetta Menetti a Lucia Battaglia Ricci. 20 (2023): 127-55 [pdf].
Migiel, Marilyn:
"Figurative Language and Sex Wars in the Decameron." 2.2 (2004): 1-12 [pdf]; (review) Michelangelo Picone and Margherita Mesirca, eds. Introduzione al "Decameron." Lectura Boccaccii Turicensis. Firenze: Franco Cesati, 2004. 4.1-2 (2007): 59-64 [pdf]; "Wanted: Translators of the Decameron's Moral and Ethical Complexities." 6 (2009): 1-14 [pdf]; "New Lessons in Criticism and Blame from the Decameron." 7 (2010): 5-30 [pdf]; (review) Valerio Ferme. Women, Enjoyment, and the Defense of Virtue in Boccaccio's Decameron. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. 14 (2017): 377-79 [pdf]; "Tests and Traps in Boccaccio's De casibus virorum illustrium." 15 (2018): 253-66 [pdf].
Milner, Stephen J.:
"Introduction." 14 (2017): 1-10 [pdf].
Molina, Elizabeth:
(review) The Church of Santa Maria Donna Regina, Art, Iconography, and Patronage in Fourteenth-Century Naples. Janis Elliott and Cordelia Warr, eds. London: Ashgate, 2004. 4.1-2 (2007): 69-71 [pdf].
Moroncini, Ambra:
"Suggestioni boccacciane ne Gli straccioni di Annibal Caro." 14 (2017): 297-316 [pdf].
Morosini, Roberta:
(review) Francisco Rico. Ritratti allo specchio (Boccaccio Petrarca). Roma-Padova: Antenore, 2012. 11 (2014): 187-90 [pdf]; "From the Garden to the Liquid City: Notes on 2.10, 3.4 and 10, or a Decameron Poetics of the Erotico-Political Based on Useful Work (civanza)." 12-13 (2015-16): 5-49 [pdf]; "'Come pintor che con essempro finga.' Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio's Giotto on fingere and pingere. Toward a Hermeneutics of Vision." 18-19: (2021-22): 39-94 [pdf].
Mudan Finn, Kavita:
(review) Guyda Armstrong. The English Boccaccio: A History in Books. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013. 12-13 (2015-16): 369-71 [pdf].
Occhipinti, Emanuele:
(review) Simone Villani, Il Decameron allo specchio: il film di Pasolini come saggio sull'opera di Boccaccio. Roma: Donzelli editore, 2004. 3.1-2 (2006): 41-43 [pdf].
Olson, Kristina M.:
(review) Tobias Foster Gittes. Boccaccio's Naked Muse: Eros, Culture and the Mythopoeic Imagination. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008. 6 (2009): 63-66 [pdf]; "The Language of Women as Written by Men: Boccaccio, Dante and Gendered Histories of the Vernacular." 8-9 (2011-12): 51-78 [pdf]; (review) Marilyn Migiel. The Ethical Dimension of the Decameron. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015. 16-17 (2019-20): 297-300 [pdf]; (review) Elsa Filosa. Boccaccio's Florence: Politics and People in His Life and Work. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2022. 20 (2023): 193-96 [pdf].
Pangilinan, Cristina:
(review) Carol Falvo Heffernan. Comedy in Chaucer and Boccaccio. Cambridge, UK: D. S. Brewer, 2009. K. P. Clarke. Chaucer and Italian Textuality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. 10 (2013): 93-98 [pdf].
Papa, Ylenia:
(review) Francesco Marco Aresu. Manuscript Poetics: Materiality and Textuality in Medieval Italian Literature. Notre Dame: Notre Dame University Press, 2023. 20 (2023): 167-70 [pdf].
Papio, Michael:
(review) La corrispondenza bucolica tra Giovanni Boccaccio e Checco di Meletto Rossi. L'egloga di Giovanni del Virgilio ad Albertino Mussato. Crit. ed. with commentary and introduction by Simona Lorenzini. Firenze: Olschki, 2011. 8-9 (2011-12): 126-30 [pdf]; "On Seneca, Mussato, Trevet and the Boethian 'Tragedies' of the De casibus." 10 (2013): 47-63 [pdf]; "Un richiamo boeziano nelle opere del Boccaccio." 11 (2014): 65-77 [pdf]; "Sulla povertà politica e filosofica del Boccaccio." 12-13 (2015-16): 213-32 [pdf].
Pennisi, Francesca A.:
"Un-Masking Venice: Allegory and the Politics of Reading in Decameron IV.2." 2.1 (2004): 21-32 [pdf].
Popoff, Gabrielle:
(review) David Hughes. The Hack's Tale: Hunting the Makers of Media: Chaucer, Froissart, Boccaccio. London: Bloomsbury Press, 2004. 2.2 (2004): 33-34 [pdf]; (review) Kolsky, Stephen. The Ghost of Boccaccio: Writings on Famous Women in Renaissance Italy. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005. 5 (2008): 91-94 [pdf]; (review) Luigi Totaro, Ragioni d'amore: Le donne nel Decameron. Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2005. 6 (2009): 77-79 [pdf].
Porta Casucci, Emanuela:
"'Un uomo di vetro' fra corti e cortili. Giovanni Boccaccio, i Del Buono, i Rossi e gli altri." 12-13 (2015-16): 189-212 [pdf].
Psaki, F. Regina:
"Women Make All Things Lose Their Power: Women's Knowledge, Men's Fear in the Decameron and the Corbaccio." 1.1 (2003): 33-48 [pdf]; "Boccaccio's Corbaccio as a Secret Admirer." 7 (2010): 105-32 [pdf].
Refe, Laura:
"Boccaccio's Biographical Tributes to Petrarch." 14 (2017): 117-39 [pdf].
Richardson, Brian:
"The Corbaccio and Boccaccio's Standing in Early Modern Europe." 14 (2017): 47-65 [pdf].
Ridley, Mary:
(review) Fabian Alfie. Dante's Tenzone with Forese Donati: The Reprehension of Vice. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011. 11 (2014): 179-82 [pdf].
Ripari, Edoardo:
"'Il visivo senso' del Decameron. Boccaccio al cinema." 12-13 (2015-16): 339-60 [pdf].
Risso, Roberto:
"'Essa scrisse una lettera...' Scrittura di lettere e narrativa epistolare in Boccaccio dalla Fiammetta al Corbaccio." 15 (2018): 39-55 [pdf].
Robins, William:
"Intertextuality and Romance in the Novella of Bernabò and Zinevra (Decameron 2.9)." 14 (2017): 141-60 [pdf].
Salwa, Piotr:
"La novella post-boccacciana e la politica." 7 (2010): 145-59 [pdf].
Samà, Riccardo:
"Mute Lips Cannot Tell: Alatiel and Philomela." 18-19 (2021-22): 95-119 [pdf].
Sanguineti, Federico:
"Quarta giornata." 4.1-2 (2007): 1-19 [pdf].
Sassi, Mario:
(review) Olivia Holmes. Boccaccio and Exemplary Literature: Ethics and Mischief in the Decameron. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 20 (2023): 209-11 [pdf].
Sayers, William:
(review) Elisabeth Arend. Lachen und Komik in Giovanni Boccaccios Decameron. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 2004. 3.1-2 (2006): 45-47 [pdf]; (review) Suzanne C. Hagedorn. Abandoned Women: Rewriting the Classics in Dante, Boccaccio & Chaucer. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004. 5 (2008): 87-89 [pdf].
Scala, Carmela:
(review) Studi sul canone letterario del Trecento per Michelangelo Picone. A cura di Johannes Bartuschat e Luciano Rossi. Ravenna: Longo, 2003. 5 (2008): 107-09 [pdf].
Sherberg, Michael:
(review) Autori e lettori di Boccaccio. Atti del Convegno internazionale di Certaldo (20-22 settembre 2001). Ed. Michelangelo Picone. Firenze: Franco Cesati, 2002. 4.1-2 (2007): 57-58 [pdf].
Siega, Paula Regina:
"Giovanni Boccaccio riletto da Pier Paolo Pasolini: Un percorso di comunicazione letteraria, dalla prosa alla sceneggiatura." 14 (2017): 333-42 [pdf].
Siena, Nora:
"The Invisibility of Rape in Boccaccio's Decameron." 18-19 (2021-22): 333-42 [pdf].
Sowell, Madison U.:
(review) The Decameron First Day in Perspective: Volume One of the Lectura Boccaccii. Elissa B. Weaver, ed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. 2.1 (2004): 69-73 [pdf]; (review) Dante e Boccaccio: Lectura Dantis Scaligera 2004-2005 in Memoria di Vittore Branca. A cura di Ennio Sandal. Roma-Padova: Editrice Antenore, 2006. 7 (2010): 169-72 [pdf].
Smarr, Janet:
"The Marriage of Plautus and Boccaccio." 1.1 (2003): 49-61 [pdf]; "Clergy in the Decameron: Another Look." 11 (2014): 55-64 [pdf]; "Women Rewrite Griselda: From Christine de Pizan to Julia Voznesenskaya." 15 (2018): 205-29 [pdf].
Spani, Giovanni:
"Il vino di Boccaccio: Usi e abusi in alcune novelle del Decameron." 8-9 (2011-12): 79-98 [pdf].
Storey, H. Wayne:
"Decameron II 4: the Matrices of Voice." 5 (2008): 1-19 [pdf]; "La politica e l'antigrafo del Fragmentorum liber (Chigiano L v 176)." 12-13 (2015-16): 305-30 [pdf].
Stych, Franklin Samuel:
"'Nor heed the rumble of a distant Drum'; the Absence of War in the Decameron." 16-17 (2019-20): 245-49 [pdf].
Surdich, Luigi:
"Michelangelo e io, la novella e Michelangelo." 6 (2009): 43-61 [pdf].
Swann, Kristen Renner:
(review) William R. Levin. The Allegory of Mercy at the Misericordia in Florence: Historiography, Context, Iconography, and the Documentation of Confraternal Charity in the Trecento. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2004. 5 (2008): 95-101 [pdf].
Testa, Carlo:
(review) Corinna Laude. "Daz in swindelt in den sinnen": Die Poetik der Perspektive bei Heinrich Wittenweiler und Giovanni Boccaccio. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2002; Kurt Flasch, Vernunft und Vergnügen. Liebesgeschichten aus dem Decameron. Munich: Verlag C. H. Beck, 2002. 3.1-2 (2006): 49-51 [pdf].
Todorović, Jelena:
"Guido Cavalcanti in Boccaccio's Argomenti." 11 (2014): 1-15 [pdf]; (review) Laura Banella. La Vita nuova del Boccaccio. Fortuna e tradizione. Roma-Padova: Antenore, 2017. 15 (2018): 297-99 [pdf].
Tomlinson, Megan:
"Travel as 'Transgression': The Mobility of Women in Giovanni Boccaccio's De mulieribus claris and Decameron." 18-19 (2021-22): 163-89 [pdf].
Tommasi, Alessia:
(review) Raffaele Morabito. Le virtù di Griselda. Storia di una storia. Firenze: Olschki, 2017. 18-19 (2021-22): 295-300 [pdf]; (review) Marco Maggiore. Scripto sopra Theseu Re. Il commento salentino al Teseida di Boccaccio (Ugento/Nardò, ante 1487). Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015. 20 (2023): 213-159[pdf].
Tufano, Ilaria:
Boccaccio e Petrarca tra Medioevo e Umanesimo. Ilaria Tufano intervista Renzo Bragantini. 20 (2023): 157-65 [pdf].
Usher, Jonathan:
"Boccaccio on Readers and Reading." 1.1 (2003): 63-85 [pdf]; "Boccaccio, Cavalcanti's Canzone 'Donna me prega' and Dino's Glosses." 2.1 (2004): 1-19 [pdf]; (review) Maurizio Vitale and Vittore Branca. Il capolavoro del Boccaccio e due diverse redazioni. 2 vols. Venice: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 2002. 2.1 (2004): 99-105 [pdf]; "Monuments More Enduring than Bronze: Boccaccio and Paper Inscriptions." 4.1-2 (2007): 21-50 [pdf].
Van Visco, Julianna:
"Beyond Mimesis: Boccaccio's Engagement with Wool Production in the Decameron." 15 (2018): 173-87 [pdf].
Veglia, Marco:
"Messer Decameron Galeotto. Un titolo e una chiave di lettura." 8-9 (2011-12): 99-112 [pdf]; "Il signore delle anella." 11 (2014): 25-38 [pdf].
Ventura, Simone:
"Sulla 'storia' di Griselda e Gualtieri in catalano e in francese alla fine del Trecento." 14 (2017): 203-25 [pdf].
Zaccarello, Michelangelo:
"Boccaccio as a Scribal Editor: Book Concept, Language Innovation, Cultural Intermediation." 11 (2014): 17-24 [pdf].
Zak, Gur:
"Between Ghismonda and Massinissa: Boccaccio, Petrarch and the Uses of Tragedy." 15 (2018): 233-51 [pdf].



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Heliotropia invites contributions from scholars in all fields of academic endeavor. There are no article processing/submission fees. All articles are subject to double-blind reviews by two reviewers. The review period is usually between 3 and 6 months, depending upon when the article is submitted in the publication process and when the reviewers are available. Reports from reviewers, who remain unnamed, are returned to authors for appropriate action.

Note that already published work will not be accepted and that authors whose submissions pass this initial stage of evaluation may then be requested to make further modifications before their work is published in the journal. Thorough peer-review is an essential component of the journal's success as well as the key to providing consistently high quality scholarship. Copyright and publishing rights are retained by the author/s, but all subsequent publication in print should be accompanied by proper bibliographical acknowledgment of its appearance here.


Articles tend to range in length from approximately 5000 to 15,000 words; notes and reviews from 2000-5000. Potential authors should download the stylesheet from the link to the left.

Submissions for publication in Heliotropia may be made electronically by attachment (documents in Word or RTF only) to

Prof. Michael Papio
306 Herter Hall
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Amherst, MA 01003 USA [web]

Heliotropia does not assume responsibility for the loss or damage of any work submitted in any form and will not return any item received by mail. Manuscripts may be submitted at any time and will be considered for the issue then in preparation.

Books Received

Heliotropia accepts for review books written in major European languages that contain a substantial amount of content related to Boccaccio and/or fourteenth-century Italy. All inquiries related to reviews (whether you want to review a book or submit one) should be directed to the editor. It will then be listed in the books received list but will not be returned. If a book cannot be placed with a qualified reviewer within four years of its publication date, it will be removed.

Volumes currently available for review:

  • Lummus, David, ed. The Decameron Sixth Day in Perspective. Toronto: UTP, 2021.
  • Robins, William, ed. The Decameron Eighth Day in Perspective. Toronto: UTP, 2020.
  • Tonelli, Natascia, ed. Il Dante di Boccaccio. Atti del Convegno, Certaldo Alta, Casa di Giovanni Boccaccio (9-10 Dicembre 2021). Firenze: Olschki, 2024.

Please note: it is increasingly common for publishers not to send a book before knowing the name of its reviewer. If you are interested in reviewing a title not present here, please write directly to the editor for assistance.

Last Updated: 31 July 2024



Decameron Web

American Boccaccio Association

About the Journal

Heliotropia is a peer-reviewed journal that was created to provide a widely and readily available forum for research and interpretation to an international community of Boccaccio scholars. Its role, first and foremost, is to promote and disseminate recent scholarship in a form that is both efficiently accessible and cost-free. Being uninhibited by the conventional constraints of academic publishing, the online journal enjoys flexibility in the length and nature of submissions and the ability to present a variety of media according to the needs of its authors.

Founding Editor Michael Papio (U. of Massachusetts Amherst USA)

Associate Editors (2023-25)

Francesco Marco Aresu (U. of Pennsylvania USA)
Alberto Gelmi (Vassar C. USA)
Giovanni Spani (C. of the Holy Cross USA)

Editorial Board

Elsa Filosa, ABA president (Vanderbilt U. USA)
Massimo Riva (Brown U. USA)
H. Wayne Storey (emeritus, Indiana U. USA)

American Boccaccio Association Advisors

Elsa Filosa, ABA president (Vanderbilt U. USA)
Maggie Fritz-Morkin, ABA vice president (UNC Chapel Hill USA)
Francesco Ciabattoni, ABA secretary (Georgetown U. USA)
Sara Diaz, ABA treasurer (Fairfield U. USA)

Advisory Board

Victoria Kirkham (U. of Pennsylvania USA)
Christopher Kleinhenz (The U. of Wisconsin, Madison USA)
Marco Veglia (U. degli Studi di Bologna ITA)


Principal characteristics


Heliotropia considers a wide range of contributions for publication. The preferred languages of publication are English and Italian. The chief unifying criterion for acceptance of a piece is its pertinence to the study of Boccaccio's life and works. Note that preference is given to submissions that are innovative, whether in scope or approach. Especially welcome are studies that are interdisciplinary in nature. Authors implicitly take responsibility for obtaining reproduction permission of non-original materials and must submit proof of such permission together with the final version of their essay whenever appropriate. Reviews submitted for publication are a valuable asset to the community of Boccaccio scholars as well. Please note, however, that we do not accept self-reviews or the unwarranted promotion of friends and colleagues. Authors or publishers who would like to have a book reviewed may submit one copy to the address listed below.

The exegetic scope of the journal is vast. Because our readers' interests are as varied as their approaches to Boccaccio's life and works, all substantial scholarly contributions are considered for publication. Consequently, the journal hosts the entire gamut of interpretive perspectives, from rigorous philological and historical studies to highly theoretical and wide-ranging comparative inquiries.

Open Access Policies

Heliotropia is an Open Access journal, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search and link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This decision was made in accordance with the BOAI definition of Open Access. The appearance of each scholar's academic affiliation guarantees that his/her institution may preserve a second copy in its official repository. Lastly, the journal is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.